Usually parameters are set to a certain value but some of the parameters in DROID-3 can be modulated or controlled in real-time (every sample) by internal sources or external MIDI controllers.
Here is a schematic showing the possible matrix modulation connections:

 ,------. ,------. ,------. ,------. ,------.
 | OSC1 | | OSC2 | | ENV1 | | ENV2 | | MIDI*|
 `------´ `------´ `------´ `------´ `------´
    v        v        v        v        v     Destinations
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     | OSC1 |
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|wave  |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|pwm   |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|pitch |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|amp   |
    |        |        |        |        |     `------´
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     | OSC2 |
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|wave  |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|pwm   |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|pitch |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|amp   |
    |        |        |        |        |     `------´
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     |FILTER|
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|width |
    |        |        |        |        |     `------´
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     | ENV1 |
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    |        |        |        |        |     `------´
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     | ENV2 |
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    |        |        |        |        |     `------´
    |        |        |        |        |     ,------.
    |        |        |        |        |     |ARPEG |
    |        |        |        |        |     |      |
    •--------•--------•--------•--------•---->|speed |

The controllable parameters (destinations) are:

Arpeggio speed'Arp'in the MAIN menu
DCO 1 amplitude'Amp'in the first DCO1 menu
DCO 1 pitch'Frq'in the first DCO1 menu
DCO 1 waveform'Wav'in the second DCO1 menu
DCO 1 pulse width'PW'in the second DCO1 menu
DCO 1 offset'Off'in the first DCO1 menu
DCO 2 amplitude'Amp'in the first DCO2 menu
DCO 2 pitch'Frq'in the first DCO2 menu
DCO 2 waveform'Wav'in the second DCO2 menu
DCO 2 pulse width'PW'in the second DCO2 menu
DCO 2 offset'Off'in the first DCO2 menu
Envelope 1 offset'Off'in the first ENV1 menu
Envelope 2 offset'Off'in the first ENV2 menu
Filter cutoff'Cut'in the FLTR menu
Filter width/cutoff2'Wid'in the FLTR menu

To make one of these parameters be controlled in real-time by a so called matrix controller you simply select one of them (listed below) instead of a regular value. On the unit itself it is done by rotating the dial past the value 255 (see the 'Manoeuvering and changing values' in the 'Programming' section for a detailed description). Here is a list of the matrix controllers (sources):

 En1= Envelope 1
 En2= Envelope 2
 DC1= DCO 1
 DC2= DCO 2

External (MIDI)
 PB= Pitch bend
 PB= Pitch bend
 PB2= Pitch bend downscaled (PB2)
 Mod= Modulation (MIDI control change 1)
 Vel= Velocity (Vel)
 Gat= Gate (Gat)
 VlG= Velocity gate (VlG)
 Aft= Channel pressure
 KF= Key follow
 KF2= Key follow upscaled
 Hld= Hold pedal (MIDI control change 64)
 Exp= Expression pedal (MIDI control change 11)
 Bth= Breath control (MIDI control change 2)

When you have set a matrix controller for a certain parameter, this parameter will dynamically obtain the value of this controller in real-time. If you select e.g. En1 for DCO 1 amplitude, the volume of DCO 1 will be controlled by envelope 1. You could in fact let DCO 1 frequency be controlled by DCO 1 itself in a kind of feedback loop. Such feedback loops will often create a weird and unpredictible output.

Here is a detailed description of the matrix controllers:

• Internal matrix controller sources:

Envelope 1 (En1) - [000-255]
This controller is the output of envelope 1. It outputs values from 0-255.

Envelope 2 (En2) - [000-255]
This controller is the output of envelope 2. It outputs values from 0-255.

DCO 1 (DC1) - [000-255]
This controller is the output of DCO 1. It is centered around the waveform offset (default 128) and outputs values from 0-255.

DCO 2 (DC2) - [000-255]
This controller is the output of DCO 2. It is centered around the waveform offset (default 128) and outputs values from 0-255.

• External matrix controller sources:

Pitch bend (PB) - [000-255]
This controller is the output of the MIDI pitch bender. It is centered around 128 and outputs values from 0-255.

Pitch bend downscaled (PB2) - [120-136]
This controller is a scaled down output of the MIDI pitch bender and it will have a pitch bender range of 4 half notes (two up and two down) when frequency tuning mode is set to standard (see the description of the octave parameter in the 'Parameter list' in the 'Advanced programming' section for detailed information about frequency tuning mode). It is centered around 128 and outputs values from 120-136.

Modulation (Mod) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is the output of the MIDI modulation wheel. Since MIDI modulation has only 128 values it outputs every second value from 0-255 in DROID-3.

Velocity (Vel) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is the velocity of the last MIDI note-on. Since MIDI velocity has only 128 values, it outputs every second value from 0-255 in DROID-3. Note-offs do not affect this controllers output.

Gate (Gat) - [000/255]
This controller is like an envelope with only to values on and off. If one or more MIDI note is hold down it outputs 255. If no there are no MIDI notes active it outputs 0.

Velocity gate (VlG) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is a velocity controlled version of the Gate controller described above. If there are no MIDI notes active it outputs 0. If one or more MIDI notes is held down it outputs the velocity value of the latest MIDI note-on. However, since MIDI velocity has only 128 values, it outputs every second value from 0-255 in DROID-3 like the Velocity controller described above only.

Channel pressure (Aft) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is the output of the MIDI channel pressure. Since channel pressure has only 128 values it outputs every second value from 0-255.

Key follow (KF) - [000-240] - every 2nd value
This controller outputs a value that corresponds with the note number of the last MIDI note-on. One note equals a step of 2. E-4 is the center note and outputs 128. One note lower (D#4) will output 126. One note higher (F-4) will output 130 and so forth. This controller outputs every second value from 0 to 240 (C-1 to C9).

Key follow upscaled (KF2) - [000-255] - every 4th value
This controller outputs a scaled up version of KF (described above). One note equals a step of 4. E-4 is the center note and outputs 128. One note lower (D#4) will output 124. One note higher (F-4) will output 132 and so forth. This controller outputs every forth value from 0 to 252 (G#1 to B6). Notes below G#1 all outputs 0. Notes above B6 all outputs 255.

Hold pedal (Hld) - [000/255]
This controller is the output of the MIDI hold/sustain pedal (control change 64). When the pedal is hold down this controller outputs 255. When the pedal is untouched it outputs 0.

Expression pedal (Exp) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is the output of the MIDI expression pedal (MIDI control change 11). Since the expression pedal has only 128 values it outputs every second value from 0-255 in DROID-3.

Breath control (Bth) - [000-255] - every 2nd value
This controller is the output of the MIDI breath controller (control change 2). Since breath control has only 128 values it outputs every second value from 0-255 in DROID-3.