• MIDI notes hang - what can I do?
Send the standard panic (all notes off) MIDI control change (number 123) or press the all keys on your keyboard one at the time until you reach the one that is hanging. This should stop the hanging note(s). If you can make notes hang at will, please mail us describing how you do it.

• When I turn on the unit, the LCD does not show any text or it reads weird unintelligible letters or symbols!
Try to turn power off for at least 5 seconds before turning it back on. If it still does not work properly, please contact us.

• When I set a parameter via MIDI (with or without using DroidEdit) the LCD does not show the change!
Only if you touch a button or the dial on the unit the LCD will reflect the MIDI changes. This is not a bug - this is how the DROID works, sparing the CPU for updating the LCD in real-time.

• When I record changes or "Transmit all" from DroidEdit in my sequencer and then play it back to my DROID, the sound is not right!
Make sure you do not play back the MIDI data in a particularly higher tempo than it was recorded. When you want to record a "Transmit all" from DroidEdit in your sequencer, you should always do it in the tempo that you intend to play it later.
Also sequencers often filters out what assumingly is unnecessary MIDI data. However, DROID-3 needs this data to respond correctly. You must turn off the "MIDI reduction" and the "MIDI controller chase" functions in your sequencer.
In Emagic Logic this is done by opening the "Options" menu. Then open the "Settings" sub menu and select "Recording Options". First deselect "MIDI Data Reduction". Then click on the "Chase Events" fane and deselect the "Chase all other controls".

• I just touched the DROID and it reset - how could this happen?
If your shoes have rubber soles and you have not touched anything grounded like a radiator for some time static electricity can sometimes build up in your body. When you touch the DROID, the electricity in your body may be discharged in an unfortunate way and reset the DROID. Make sure the environment where you use the DROID does not easily create static electricity.