• Output
Mode 1: 10500 Hz, 8 bit, S/N ~ 80 dB (when LEDs disabled)
Mode 2: 13300 Hz, 8 bit, S/N ~ 80 dB (DCO 2 output, envelopes, filter and LEDs disabled)
• 2 monophonic DCOs
Waveforms: Saw up, saw down, square (0-100% pulse width), tri, noise, S&H noise, digital or silent
4 overload modes (for each DCO)
Retrig on/off (for each DCO)
Key follow on/off (for each DCO)
Sync slave mode for DCO 1
• 2 envelopes
Offset, attack, attack level, decay, sustain level and release
Legato mode
Loop mode: Envelope 1 = retrig LFO w/fade in, envelope 2 = LFO/free run
• Filter
Mode 1: Low, high, band pass or band rejection - all w/input boost option
Mode 2: High or/and low pass
• Matrix modulation
16 sources:
Envelope 1
Envelope 2
Pitch bend
Pitch bend downscaled
Velocity gate
Channel pressure
Key follow
Key follow upscaled
Hold pedal
Expression pedal
Breath control
15 destinations:
Arpeggio speed
DCO 1 amplitude
DCO 1 pitch
DCO 1 waveform
DCO 1 pulse width
DCO 1 offset
DCO 2 amplitude
DCO 2 pitch
DCO 2 waveform
DCO 2 pulse width
DCO 2 offset
Envelope 1 offset
Envelope 2 offset
Filter cutoff
Filter width (or cutoff2)
• Arpeggio
4-note buffer - very fast
• Step mode (decreases envelope 2 and DCO2 output resolution 0-7 bits)
• Top
Three LEDs: Output (red), MIDI input (green) and DCO2 rate (yellow)
LCD, 16 characters 2 lines, backlit
Two Enter and two Escape buttons
• Rear
DC connector 9 V (+/- or -/+)
Line output jack (mono)
On/Off switch
• Bottom
LCD contrast
• Dimensions
~ 12 (W) * 12.8 (D) * 4.2 (H) cm
• Weight
545 g
• Power consumption @ 9 V DC
~ 200 mA (max)
In the interest of product development, the specifications are subject to change without prior notice.